


我们希望每个人在秋假期间都有时间放松. 为那些回家或旅行的人提供安全的旅行.

  • Iftesham Rahman Sami'25 at his internship at Bay Street Advisors in New York.
    Unique Experiences

    From Monroe to Manhattan

    Iftesham Rahman Sami’25 had a busy, but meaningful, summer working locally at the Boys & Girls Club in Monroe, Wisconsin, and an internship with Bay Street Advisors in New York City.

  • Featured Photo

    十大菠菜台子 alumni Lirio Hittle’86 and Samir Goswami’98 visited 十大菠菜台子 in September to participate in classes and offer professional advice for students interested in careers in political science and environmental studies.


  • LITS服务的变更

    LITS技术团队正在搬回莫尔斯图书馆. 在我们的过渡时期, 获得技术和事件支持的最快方式是发送电子邮件给LITS支持(support@贝洛伊特.edu)来创建一张票. 救助服务 将于10月21日恢复. 感谢您对我们搬迁的耐心等待.

  • 参加女童和妇女参与科学活动

    你是否有兴趣加入一个以科学为重点的俱乐部,该俱乐部旨在为STEM中代表性不足的社区增加机会? 联络Sam Irwin (irwins@贝洛伊特.edu)参与全球信息系统. 


  • 伯洛伊特学生会提名名单

    有兴趣竞选伯洛伊特学生会职位的学生应该 提交提名 10月27日,星期日,晚上11点59分.m. 伯洛伊特学生会在校内有着广泛的影响力. 本次选举将包括伯洛伊特学生会执行委员会的所有职位. 


  • LITS服务的变更

    LITS技术团队正在搬回莫尔斯图书馆. 在我们的过渡时期, 获得技术和事件支持的最快方式是发送电子邮件给LITS支持(support@贝洛伊特.edu)来创建一张票. 救助服务 将于10月21日恢复. 感谢您对我们搬迁的耐心等待.

  • 为“为内情人”和“内情人Beat”撰稿

    添加事件 or 添加公告 到伯洛伊特学院的网站, 然后将它们分享给“为单身人士”小组,以便考虑纳入其中. 对于无法访问编辑器的人,请使用“创建”按钮 “为单身人士”页面 提交内容.


这个页面可能是更多的我们的贝洛伊特er目前在校园里, 但你要知道,我们也一直想念着你. 希望你在这里看到的一切都能勾起你在校园的美好回忆.

如果你有兴趣回到校园,寻找 即将举行的校友活动 or 志愿者机会.

  • Featured Photo

    Homecoming has always been a beloved tradition at Beloit. In addition to the parades and events, students would make house decorations we...
    Homecoming has always been a beloved tradition at Beloit. In addition to the parades and events, students would make house decorations were commonly placed in front of fraternities and sororities and vied to win contests.
  • Featured Photo

    Dr. Woodard, or 'The Chief,' as he was fondly known, was truly inspirational to his students. He exhibited enthusiasm, integrit...
    “Dr. Woodard, or ‘The Chief,’ as he was fondly known, was truly inspirational to his students. He exhibited enthusiasm, integrity, a deep knowledge of his subject, and a rare combination of caring for students while maintaining respect and admiration.” – Bruce Bartleson’56
  • Featured Photo

    The Basic Elmos' experiments with rocket sleds in Chapin Hall were inspired by a physics class. Seated is Len Pagliaro'76, with Phil Eric...
    The Basic Elmos’ experiments with rocket sleds in Chapin Hall were inspired by a physics class. Seated is Len Pagliaro’76, with Phil Erickson’76 and Andy Persily’76 at right.
  • Featured Photo

    Many alumni fondly remember the Beloit Plan and its required Field Term that sent students off campus and around the world. This Beloit g...
    Many alumni fondly remember the Beloit Plan and its required Field Term that sent students off campus and around the world. This Beloit group is at the Incan ruins of Machu Picchu, Peru, circa 1970s.

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